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Experts urging Brits to better protect loved ones

Seven in 10 people bereaved say they felt financially unprepared for the loss of their partner

sad mother and child

131,514 of people who lose their partner each year left facing dire financial consequences according to research from Royal London’s Losing a Partner report.1

A third are left in debt, of those, 15% see their debts increase following the death of their partner. 29% have had to use their savings to survive. 14% have to sell possessions or assets and 13% must borrow money from family or friends. 2

Those left behind are forced to make drastic lifestyle changes in order to cope financially. All this at a time when they are vulnerable and struggling to cope with grief and the emotional impact of their loss.

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The more preparation made by couples (i.e. making specific plans like writing a wills or buying life insurance), the better they are able to cope.

Experts are now urging more families to take measures to protect their partners and children in the event of an unexpected death or loss of income.

Tom Johnson, Director or Trajectory, said:

“From an immediate drop in income, through to depletion of savings over time, and worsening financial security, the monetary impacts are compounded by day-to-day ones, as those left behind can struggle to make do without the help and support of their spouse or partner.”

Claire Henry, Chief Executive of Dying Matters, comments on the financial impacts highlighted in the reports

“…we owe it to those we love for them to know that we have done what we can to minimise the consequences, and put our house in order.
Talking about death and dying won’t make it happen. But not talking about, not planning for it, can leave individuals worse off than they need be. ”

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